The Shot List
First Shot:
the first shot would be of a black background with red dropping into it giving the bloody effect. This will be taken from a mid-shot. this is when the main titles come up, these are:
Four Wise Men Production
Director:Jamie Burrows
Co-Director:Ren Mack
Producer:Lloyd Howarth
Editor: Alex Forward
Second Shot:
This shot starts at the main character feet , slowly panning towards his shins. this would be taken close up. there would also be more titles which will appear.
Lloyd Howarth
Alex Forward
Third Shot, First Flashback:
this will be taken from the main characters point of view shot which shows his father,Jamie Burrows,beating a family member up while he is shouting. this will be a long shot to be able to fit everything in. there will also be a vase of roses which add to the dramatic irony.
Fourth Shot:
This shot is the camera panning from the knees up to the waist line from close up. The titles of the last characters will appear in this shot as well.
Jamie Burrows
Ren Mack
Fifth Shot,Second Flashback:
This shot will be taken again from the characters point of view however it will be from the floor pointing upwards to emphasis the bullies dominance over the character (preferably in the rain). Two of the characters will have clothing over most of their faces. The camera will also jolt every time a punch has been thrown. this shows the power behind the punches.
Sixth Shot:
This shot is where the camera title from the lower waist to mid- stomach with emphasis on the gloves. this will be taken from a mid-shot mid angle but with a larger amount on the gloves.
Seventh Shot,Third Flashback:
This will be taken from a long shot at mid angle with three characters, and a car.
Eight Shot:
This will be of the torso from a mid shot but quite close up with a slow zoom on the rose in the upper pocket, this is when the title 'Red Rose' shall appear.
Ninth Shot, Fourth Flashback:
This will be from a mid-shot high angle. this will be the only flashback in colour and it will have a dead person on the floor with a red rose falling on their torso. the camera will emphasis the rose.
Tenth Shot:
This will be a long shot from mid-angle with a character lying in a bed with a red rose next to them. the shot will emphasis the characters fear.
Eleventh Shot:
This will be a close up of the back of the character to emphasis their point of view from when they see a shadow in the background. this will be taken from a mid-shot.
Most the shots will have the 'fade' transition to add to the tense atmosphere.
Labels: S3-79
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