Thursday, 28 February 2008

Rough Cutt

This our rough cut thriller project, even though it isn't completely finished the main ideas are still here. there are elements that need to be changed but they will be done in editing.

this should be lower down however members of the group have been absent and technical difficulties have prevented us from doing this quicker.


Lloyd's Views

throughout this project i have had a large influence, not just cause i was the main character, i also aided in what shots we should film and did a large amount of editing. i feel that this project has gone very well, even though Jamie came in half way through, we adapted very well and have created a very good thriller.

i feel that there are some elements, from our rough cut, that could be improved however these are only a minor and can be changed before the final piece is finished.   


Animatic stills

This is our animatic stills, these would aid us in deciding what would happen for our thriller. They are in the wrong place as the computer had to be changed due to technical difficulty.

Garage band:
After making our animatics, we decided, as a group, that we should take a considerable amount of time to work on our soundtrack to go along with our animatics which would eventually be used in our final sequence. throughout the making of the whole project we didn't have a definitive soundtrack as we kept changing ideas and adding didn't pieces of music to tie in with the thriller concept.


How its been going

The majority of the filming was done at long road apart from the scene where I (Alex Forward) wake up after a dream, this was filmed at Lloyd's house. The project has been going well so far even though we have had some troubles with the computers which have slowed us down. in the thriller project i play the part of the protagonist, which isn't obvious at first. I also did quite a bit of the filming, for example i filmed the slow rising shot of Lloyd in his suit and also Lloyd getting arrested. I also took part in much of the editing of the opening credits. I have found this project fun and also challenging. 

Rough cut feedback

Use of Mise en Scene
One area too dark so not able to see/understand.
Dark areas - during attack to obscure faces and suit scene to see only the red worked and was a nice addition.
Great variety of camera shots.
Like the use of hand held camera (especially when beating the guy up).
Very good during the attacks. First person lead to a surprising twist.
Like the dark shots and the atmosphere it creates.
Well edited and good changes from clip to clip.
Text was difficult to see, but good transactions.
Some clips would look better if they were darker.
Appropriate music however a bit repetitive.
Liked the music.
Genre conventions
All worked

Monday, 25 February 2008

What We've Been Doing =)

We did all of our filming on the Long Road College site, except for one scene where Alex wakes up from a disturbing dream, which we filmed at Lloyd's house. All the filming went well, we got about 10 minutes worth of footage in the end, but much of it was outtakes, so it should be no problem cutting the sequence down to the intended 2 minutes. Were currently working on putting text into the sequence, such as character names, Four Wise Men Productions, the director, the editor etc.

My (Jamie Burrows) experiences from this project are good. The films been done well with everyone having some sort of input. All 4 of us are in two or more scenes in the project and overall it was a good team effort to get the filming done, not only on time, but a couple lessons faster than everyone else in the class.

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